Thursday, June 24, 2010

Joy, Peace and Promises

Paul and I took a walk on his family's property today, which is a huge expanse of field and woods. It is a rare occasion that we get to do this (both because Paul doesn't like just walking as much as I do - he prefers to have a goal or be jogging - and because the weather has not allowed it until today!!) so I was really excited. As we walked I decided to pick a few of the wildflowers that grow in the fields and make a bouquet. I felt like a little girl again, just laughing and playing without a care in the world. It seemed so easy out there in the country to not think about all of the things on my "to do" list, about all the worries that usually circle my head throughout the day, about my family, the future, work, etc. I was totally able to relax and just live in joy and at peace, fully aware that I was in the midst of God's creation. It made me think of the Garden of Eden and how amazing it would be if life was still lived in a garden, where you would be free to walk around whenever you wanted and talk to God. One day we will get to do that if we have accepted Christ Jesus as our Savior and I can't look forward to that day enough! But for now, I will be content with the little moments I get in the beautiful creation that surrounds us all and live in joy, at peace with the life I have, and with anticipation for the promise of heaven. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Pilgrim's Progress

Lord willing, there are a lot of things I would like to do this summer. One of these is to read a novel or two. That may seem like a silly goal, but I used to read all the time, and over the last year or so have only felt like I had time to read textbooks or the Bible. I like reading. It calms me and gives me a place to escape to so that I can be a happier, more productive person in real life. So...the first book I have chosen to read is The Pilgrim's Progress. As of now, I am only about 25 pages in, but I love it! Its quite dialogue-based and written in older english, so its kind of fun. My favorite word so far that I have come across is "verily." Apparently it is an adverb which means "in truth," "really," or "indeed." Yes I know, I'm somewhat of a nerd sometimes, but I found it interesting and just thought I'd share.

Here is an excerpt that I like:

(background) Christian, the main character, is talking to his neighbors who are trying to persuade him to turn back from his journey. Christian is explaining why he wants to leave his home and he says:

"because that all which you shall forsake is not worthy to be compared with a little of that that I am seeking to enjoy; and if you will go along with me, and hold it, you shall fare as I myself; for there where I go is enough to spare....I seek an Inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, and it is laid up in Heaven, and fast there, to be bestowed, at the time appointed, on them that diligently seek it. Read it so, if you will, in my Book."

I like it because, as a Christ follower, I should be more bold in my faith like Christian is. He had no fear of telling those around him why he was different or had other goals than them. He knew people thought he was crazy, but he also knew that there was something better to look forward to and that it would be better than anything he could ever imagine. I find that I don't look for opportunities to share my faith, but I know that if I opened my eyes, I would see multiple opportunities every day. There are so many people around me that I know don't know or aren't willing to accept the truth. I need to care more. I need to live my life in a way that makes people ask me why I'm different. This is another of my summer challenges: to try and be more outspoken and more bold in my faith. I know The Pilgrim's Progress is fiction, but because it is an allegory (i.e. parable) it has many good reminders in it for those of us who call Jesus our Lord and Savior. If you want to give it a try, I would encourage you to read it when you have a chance (there's also a kids version if the old english is a little hard to manage).

I'd like to know if anyone has suggestions for other books to read though, once I'm done with this one. Let me know if you have any and why you think I should read it :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

my first...

The last year and a half or so of my life, I have experienced a lot of change. I met the man of my dreams, I started going to a new church where I recently became a member, I made new friends, and as of a few days ago, I completed my Associate's degree. These are only some of the major things, but after thinking about it, I realized how little I have been recording (in some way or other) what has been going on in my life since I started college almost two years ago. It has always been a fantasy of mine to write down as much of my life down as I could so that my kids could one day know a little more about my life if they wanted.

You see, I wish my parents had done the same for me, because it seems that a person's memory gets worse as they age...people remember certain things, but not everything. Every once in a while, I'll ask my parents (or grandma) something about their past, and a lot of the time, they only remember a little bit. I am always left wanting to know more; wanting the full story. Maybe that's just my nature, I don't know. But what I do know is that if I continue this blog for just a few months or even a year, a little bit of my thoughts and experiences will have been written down. This is my main motivation in starting this blog.  Come fall, a new phase of my life will begin as I start nursing school. It seemed like the perfect time to begin writing since I will be starting a new chapter in my life.

I don't know what will necessarily constitute this blog. I don't know if it will be funny or witty or wise. I don't know who will read it. I don't know if it will be filled primarily with stories, thoughts, advice, or lessons I am learning. I don't know, but I hope to share with you whatever is put on my heart. I hope to make you smile or realize something about yourself. I hope to make you laugh perhaps. I hope to be vulnerable, bold, truthful, and sincere. I hope to never put anyone down or say something I will later regret. I pray that God will guide me as I write.

I am nervous. I don't like to do things where I feel that I am the center of attention. But this is something I have wanted to do for a while. So please forgive me as I learn how to do this. And please be honest! If I ask for input, please give it. I will not be hurt by it. I am primarily writing this for myself, but if you are reading this along with me, welcome to my journey! I am learning how to better invite people to be a part of my life. This is one way I feel called to do it right now.

As I said before, nursing school starts in the fall. So this summer is when I will be experimenting here and figuring out how to do this whole blogging thing. So here it first post. Let's see what happens next!