I can be so dense sometimes. The last few months I have been begging God to show me his will because I have felt very confused and lost. There are so many uncertain things in my life and all I wanted was to have a little clue as to what he wanted me to be doing and be preparing for. The funny thing is that He answered my requests very soon after I asked...I just didn't realize it. I wanted an answer like "go here" or "do this," but just like God, he answered with the unexpected and so it went right over my head. I continued to beg for an answer, and all the while He continued to gently whisper His answer in my ear.
Finally last night after an hour and a half or so of conversation and crying with my wonderful daddy at The Golden Crown (amazing chinese!), it finally sunk in. The answer that had been there all along was:
Pure and simple. Yet that is of course one of the things in life that I am terrible at. It is something I honestly don't understand fully. It seems like such a waste of precious time and such an energy-sapper. But...it is the Lord's command to me. And that should be enough.
This afternoon I looked up several verses on 'waiting' and was surprised to see that many of those verses had already been either underlined, boxed, or highlighted by me in the last few months!!! Clearly, God has been speaking to me all along. My favorite of the ones I looked up is Psalm 27:14:
"Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord."
I love how this verse has the word "wait" in it twice...so perfect for my dense self.
"Lord, teach me how to wait. Help me understand what it means to wait. I know you have a plan for my life. I pray that as I wait, I can bring glory to your name. Amen."