Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Uniforms, Background Checks, Mingling, and Books

Today was the first day that all of us who got accepted to Chemeketa's Nursing Program had to congregate at school to do various things before orientation tomorrow. The first thing upon arrival was getting sized for the scrubs that I will have to wear every lab day and at every clinical (when we go to hospitals and work with patients). I don't have a picture of them yet because we just ordered them today and will receive them later, but once I have them I'll take a picture for you to see. After our fitting, we purchased blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes and then we all piled into a classroom to sign forms for our background check. Then we had some free time, so a friend of mine and I went to the Lancaster Mall to buy our lab coats at "Life Uniform." After that I picked up 4 of the books I had pre-ordered from the bookstore and then bought my parking permit for the year.

After that there was a gathering for all 1st year nursing students to meet one another, meet some of the instructors, and talk with 2nd year students. When we signed in, we were told there was a raffle going to happen at the end. The entry tickets were bandaids that we wrote our names on and the container they were put into was a bedpan (haha). After signing in, everyone went through the food line which included sandwiches, fruit, cookies, and then M&Ms and Jelly Beans in medicine cups like you drink cough syrup out of...apparently the nursing jokes have begun! I thought it was cute :) I didn't win any of the raffle prizes but the lady next to me won a gift certificate for the bookstore.

So then I drove home and waiting for me on the front table in the living room 3 of my nursing books I bought on Amazon. yay!! So as of now, I have 8 out of my 9 required texts...this is good because I already have homework that I have to do before the first day of actual class. So... if you are looking for me over the next two weeks, I will most likely have my head in a book. It's a good thing I like school! 

Like I said, tomorrow is orientation all day, so I'll be off to bed soon. 

Good night!

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