Tuesday, August 24, 2010

From My Perspective

This actually isn't going to be from my perspective...it will be from my former pastor John Stumbo. He has such an amazing story and if you want, check out his blog here.  Before I get to what I actually intended to write about, I have some background: I have been going through old papers and letters from the past few years because I recently bought a little 2-drawer filing cabinet ($2 at a garage sale!!) that is is perfect condition besides a few scratches. Up til now I have had a box in the garage that has held a few files, but they aren't very organized, and if you know me, you know that I love to be organized. So it was my joy to find this little black beauty, clean it up a bit, and get it ready for use! My goal is to get all of my papers filed away in alphabetical categories by the time school starts back up for me (that gives me about 3 weeks). So...while I have been going though things I came across an old church bulletin from my past church Salem Alliance. I scanned through it and then came to the back page which always has a column called "From My Perspective" written by one of the elders. This particular bulletin was from Easter 2005 and the column was written by John Stumbo, the senior pastor at that time. I just wanted to share what he wrote because it was a good reminder for me.

     "I once missed getting to go to a Minnesota Twins game because I was playing catch at my friend's house. This was a HUGE disappointment. As a small town boy, going to the big city to watch a professional baseball game was a once-a-year-at-best event. Not knowing that my brother-in-law was coming by to pick me up for the game, I had wandered off to a friend's house without letting anyone know where I was. I missed the game of the year while playing a routine game of catch.
     It was about the same year - third grade, I believe - that I missed out on going to another friend's house for an "overnighter." Kent had invited me to ride home with him on the bus after school. My mom gave permission. The day came. School let out and as we walked to the bus, I froze. "Uh, Kent, uh, I think I'll just go home." I wanted to go to Kent's house very much, but I had never ridden a bus. Fear won. I walked. Kent never invited me again.
     Over three decades have past. I've now been to many baseball games in many stadiums, stayed with friends across the country and have ridden my share of buses - actually, for thousands of miles. But I still miss a few things from time to time because of preoccupation or fear.
     This Easter season, I've been struck that many people are missing out on the most significant event of human history - the resurrection of Jesus Christ - for the same reasons I missed out as a boy.
     Many people are so preoccupied with their busy lives that they have little time or reason to consider the implications of the fact that Jesus really is alive - in every sense of the word. Somewhere in the back of their minds they've concluded, "What does it matter if the Easter story is really true? I've got bills to pay, a project to finish and a cell phone ringing. I'll deal with it later...maybe."
     Others have walked up to the "bus" and pulled back in fear. Thoughts about God, forgiveness, eternity, sin, salvation and our souls scare many people away. Somewhere in the backwaters of their thoughts they've decided, "This whole Jesus thing might be real - but I don't want to have to deal with it. I'm afraid He might had a different plan for my life than I do."
     What about you? Have you been so preoccupied you've neglected dealing with the world's only Savior? Have you been afraid to explore what a relationship with Him might look like? The "bus" is leaving. The "game" is incredible. Don't miss out."

It may not be Easter, but nevertheless Jesus did die for our sins and has risen and ascended into heaven, interceding for us, His children. That is the marvelous truth.

Jesus is calling out to you. If you receive Him as your Savior and Lord, He will change your life and you will have the hope of eternity in heaven with Him. If you are already my brother or sister in Christ, I hope you can let this be a reminder to you to let the Holy Spirit lead your life. Don't let fear hold you back from what He is calling you to do.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Incline my heart

I find it amazing how God always leads me to the perfect passage during my time with Him. I mentioned a few posts back that I read a section of Psalm 119 every day during my quiet time. Although I have read these verses a few times now in the past few months, about a week ago it truly hit home. It has been my sincere cry the past week:

"Incline my heart to Your testimonies and not to dishonest gain. Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, and revive me in Your ways. Establish Your word to Your servant, as that which produces reverence for You." Psalm 119:36-38

What's your favorite quote or Bible verse? Feel free to leave a comment to let me know you visited!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Call to Persevere

I was encouraged by this passage from the Word yesterday during my break at work:

"Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful" Hebrews 10:19-23 NIV

That is truth.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Well I haven't thought of much to blog on lately, but I figured it would be good to give a little update on what life is like right now. I am still getting over mono, but I have been able to go back to work this last week and am not too exhausted come bedtime. The biggest things are my tickled and still swollen throat and glands, the bags under my eyes, and being teased (of course!). Its not so bad though...I've been able to relax when not working and between the last two weekends, I had the privilege of attending 3 weddings! I love weddings and it was so amazing to witness these three christian couples make a covenant before God and all of us witnesses. Each bride and groom looked fantastic and each wedding was truly unique! I'll be honest in saying that I tucked away some ideas for when my own wedding takes place, but my favorite part was listening to the vows...you can just hear the love and sincerity so clearly when they're said. It's so beautiful!

(Sorry to you you men reading this...I'm going to continue with the girly theme for a moment)

On some of my free time, I've been working on reorganizing and cleaning my room. I love cleaning, throwing things out, and finding old treasures that I had forgotten about. The reasons I am doing this are 1. my sister is moving out in a few weeks to go to college so I get free rein with decorating and rearranging furniture and 2. since I've been home so much I figured it would be a good idea to downsize on some of my old, random stuff that I've kept for years. I've had so much fun! As of this moment, the only things left to do are file papers and have Leslie deal with her stuff :)

On a different note...I am looking for large cheap bookshelves that are in usable condition and are stand-alone. So, if you find yourself reading this and have such an item (they are for my daddy...he has a ton of books), please let me know! AND I would like to know who is reading this...so if you have a second, could you comment and just let me know you stopped by? No need to follow me if you don't want to, but I am curious. Thanks!