Thursday, June 10, 2010

my first...

The last year and a half or so of my life, I have experienced a lot of change. I met the man of my dreams, I started going to a new church where I recently became a member, I made new friends, and as of a few days ago, I completed my Associate's degree. These are only some of the major things, but after thinking about it, I realized how little I have been recording (in some way or other) what has been going on in my life since I started college almost two years ago. It has always been a fantasy of mine to write down as much of my life down as I could so that my kids could one day know a little more about my life if they wanted.

You see, I wish my parents had done the same for me, because it seems that a person's memory gets worse as they age...people remember certain things, but not everything. Every once in a while, I'll ask my parents (or grandma) something about their past, and a lot of the time, they only remember a little bit. I am always left wanting to know more; wanting the full story. Maybe that's just my nature, I don't know. But what I do know is that if I continue this blog for just a few months or even a year, a little bit of my thoughts and experiences will have been written down. This is my main motivation in starting this blog.  Come fall, a new phase of my life will begin as I start nursing school. It seemed like the perfect time to begin writing since I will be starting a new chapter in my life.

I don't know what will necessarily constitute this blog. I don't know if it will be funny or witty or wise. I don't know who will read it. I don't know if it will be filled primarily with stories, thoughts, advice, or lessons I am learning. I don't know, but I hope to share with you whatever is put on my heart. I hope to make you smile or realize something about yourself. I hope to make you laugh perhaps. I hope to be vulnerable, bold, truthful, and sincere. I hope to never put anyone down or say something I will later regret. I pray that God will guide me as I write.

I am nervous. I don't like to do things where I feel that I am the center of attention. But this is something I have wanted to do for a while. So please forgive me as I learn how to do this. And please be honest! If I ask for input, please give it. I will not be hurt by it. I am primarily writing this for myself, but if you are reading this along with me, welcome to my journey! I am learning how to better invite people to be a part of my life. This is one way I feel called to do it right now.

As I said before, nursing school starts in the fall. So this summer is when I will be experimenting here and figuring out how to do this whole blogging thing. So here it first post. Let's see what happens next!

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