Thursday, July 29, 2010

Roses and other things

Yesterday I turned in my last piece of documentation required for nursing school. Now I just have a few things to purchase (like white tennis shoes, a stethoscope, scrubs, lab coat, fun!!) and a class to register for in the middle of August. Besides that, I'm ready to go and will find out everything else I need to know at orientation in September! It's all coming together and I am now starting to get excited and nervous. I wish I knew what to expect once classes start...all I know is that it will be "hard." Well...I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

On a different note, I am still on the recovery road from mono and am doing so much better! My throat is still swollen and I have a slight fever (99.3ish) at night, but besides that I am well on my way to kicking this thing!! My energy continues to rise each day and my appetite is returning gradually. My hope is to be back at work and in the full swing of things by the 7th of August so I can go to my friend Stephanie's wedding! My plan is to also have my wisdom teeth out before then, but that might not happen. I'll keep you posted!

A few days ago when I was feeling especially low, Paul surprised me with a visit and brought me beautiful roses and a redbox movie.  I felt so special! Here are the roses:
Aren't they gorgeous?? I was completely thrilled. 

I must make being sick so much more enjoyable!

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